
Gordon Korman



November 7, 2021

I think what this book teaches you is that you shouldn’t mistreat someone just because they act differently, seem weird, etc.  I really, really loved this book, and it is one of my favorite books to read.  I think ages 9 and up can read it, and this book will certainly keep you interested.

In this book, a child named Capricorn, or Cap is sent to school when his Grandmother falls off a tree, but Cap was born and raised in a farm, where he has very little technology, and when he goes to C Average Middle School, all the people there taunt him for being weird, not knowing things, etc.  In his school, every student wants him to be class president for their own benefit. However, Cap simply ignores everything bad thrown his way, and eventually, he gains popularity in the school, for standing out.  At the start of his class presidency, Cap is purposefully wrongly informed he has to learn the names of all 1100 students at his school, an incredibly daunting task for someone brand new to his school.

This has to be one of the best books I have read this year, if not the best.  Easily 5 out of 5 stars, and I know I will reread this book many, many times.  When I was reading it for the first time, time just flew by for me, because of how good this book is.

The age rating for


is for

8, 9 and 10 year old kids